The most efficient method in Practicing Korean!
$40 a week, Mon through Fri, 45 minutes a day!

Our Process
What to do?
Try not to learn, but to speak! You are going to write a play script through discussion.
100+ Partners Worldwide
Soon,you’ll be good at speaking Korean.
This is our method, ETA, Education Through Acting!
Discuss with others everyday.
You’ll be corrected when necessary.

Up to six students and
A play director
form a class.

I believe that
making plays together is one of the best ways to learn language and culture.
Sunny Kil, Associate Professor of Theatre, SUNY, New Paltz

We run on through discussion based on
Fun & Artistic
Especailly, correction when necessary!
Our technique
ETA system
Our unique and innovative method to PRACTICE KOREAN is called ETA, Education Through Acting, system.
Testimonials & Reviews
Some Love

2주 동안 ETA 방법으로 훈련하고 있어요. 나도 모르게 발전해 가는 나를 보았고 이건 매일 진행하는 토론 덕분이라고 생각해요.
I have been practicing English for two weeks. I feel improved without knowing it and I think it is because of every day’s discussion through ETA process.

我觉得英语真的不简单. 虽然上过很多 补习班, 也学过很多, 但我的英语水平还不是很好. 用ETA system系统进行了一周感觉比以前好多了, 每天我们的学生和老师认真讨论, 说英语, 似乎已成为我的习惯.
I think English is not easy to learn. I have studied for a long time in many different institutions. Weeks ago, I joined ETA system and I think my choice was right. A lot of debate led me an English speaker.

Delia Degamo
Since last year, I was able to discover many Korean styles; K pop, K culture, food, BTS, etc…. I want to better understand Korean culture learning the Korean language. However, at the palces where I was learuning Korean, the level was too basic. I wanted to aim for a higher level. I discovered ETA system which makes me think and think again to the point of giving me a headache, but it was not that unpleasant, and discuss and discuss again. I really hope that I can speak Korean fluently soon, and I think through ETA process it is very probable.
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